General Conditions of Use

Last updated: 02 février 2023


Welcome to the institutional website of the CAIROX brand  


Access to and use of the Website implies the unconditional acceptance of the present general conditions of use (GCU) in force on the day of access.


Legal information


A limited company with a share capital of 23 941 923,24 €
Bourg en Bresse companies register no. 490 586 708

Address: Rue des Barronnières – 01700 Beynost
Telephone: 04 72 88 11 11

Publishing Director: AIRVANCE GROUP






Within the framework of the GCU, the terms below have the following meaning:


 “Website”: Designates the website accessible via the URL address or any other URL address which might replace it.


“User”: Designates any natural person or legal entity visiting one or more pages of the website.



The GCU govern access to and use of the Website and are designed to define the terms and conditions for using the Website.


Acceptance and modification of the GCU and the Website


Access to and use of the Website are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the GCU.


When browsing the Website, regardless of the technical means of access and the terminals used, the User is presumed to be familiar with the GCU and to accept the terms unconditionally.


The GCU apply, as necessary, to any version of or extension to the Website on the social networks and/or existing or future communities.


In light of the evolving nature of the Website, the GCU can be modified at any time by AIRVANCE GROUP company, owner of the CAIROX brand, in particular through the provision of new functions or the elimination or modification of certain functions. Before browsing the Website, the User is therefore advised to refer to the latest version of the GCU, which is accessible at any time on the Website.


Presentation of the Website


The aim of the Website is to present the CAIROX brand as well as its wide range of ventilation, heating and air conditioning products and systems.


The Website is accessible free of charge to any User with Internet access.

All costs linked to access to the Website, regardless of whether these relate to equipment, software or Internet access, are borne solely by the User.


Intellectual property rights


The Website together with all its constituent elements (in particular the brands, logos, drawings, graphics, graphic charters, icons, structures and textual contents of the Website) are the exclusive property of AIRVANCE GROUP.


The User is granted an individual right of use relating to all elements of the Website, without this giving rise to any transfer of the intellectual property rights. Consequently, any use, copy, reproduction or distribution – even partial – by any procedure whatsoever of any element of the Website for any other purpose, and in particular for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited without the prior written agreement of AIRVANCE GROUP and/or the owner of the elements concerned.


The creation of a hyperlink to the general content of or any other technique which involves displaying part of the present Website on a third-party website is only permitted with the written authorisation of AIRVANCE GROUP, and this without altering the original information present on the Website or its source.


Protection of personal data


Users are invited to consult the confidentiality policy.


Availability of the Website


AIRVANCE GROUP implements all reasonable means to ensure that the Website is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, but is entitled to interrupt access in particular for reasons of maintenance and upgrading or for any other reason. AIRVANCE GROUP can in no way be held liable for these interruptions or the consequences which may result from them for the User.


Responsibility of the User

All equipment and software required for access to and use of the Website remain at the sole expense of the User, who is therefore responsible for ensuring their equipment and Internet access function correctly. They are therefore responsible for taking all necessary measures to protect their own data, computer systems and/or software against potential infection by viruses.

The User is solely responsible for the use they make of the Website.


Responsibility of AIRVANCE GROUP


The information displayed on the Website is provided for reference purposes only and does not in any way represent a contractual offer for a specific product or service provided by AIRVANCE GROUP. Errors and omissions may occur. If you wish to receive more detailed information concerning the services provided by our group, you can contact us directly using the contact details indicated on the Website.


AIRVANCE GROUP declines all liability:

  • in the event of the interception of data sent over the Internet,
  • in the event of the unavailability of the Website or of any fault affecting the functioning thereof, regardless of the origin or cause,
  • in the event of direct or indirect damage such as financial losses, loss of earnings or trouble of any kind whatsoever which could result from using, or the impossibility of using, the Website
  • in the event of abnormal use of the Website.




The Website may contain hyperlinks to other websites or applications over which AIRVANCE GROUP has no control. Despite the verifications conducted before implementing any hyperlink on our Website, AIRVANCE GROUP declines all liability concerning the content of these websites and any updates which may be made to them.




If any one of the clauses is considered null and void, it will be deemed to be void without for all that causing the other clauses to become void.

Failure to exercise any one of its rights pursuant to the GCU on the part of AIRVANCE GROUP does not mean that it waives its rights.




Users are invited to consult the confidentiality policy.




Any question relating to the Website must be sent by e-mail to the following address:


Applicable law – jurisdiction


The present CGU are governed by french law.

In the event of a dispute relatinf to the interpretation, validity and consequences of the present CGU and if no amicable solution can be found, the courts of Lyon will have sole jurisdiction.